Give Your Apple Products A Touch of Exclusivity With The All New Carbon Fiber Magic Skins

As we progress towards even more streamlined technology, the design parameters of these devices and their accessories are also being revolutionized to an extent where exclusivity and light weight structuralization has now becomes the call of the day. At the helm of this design revolution is the cutting edge, Carbon Fiber, which is best known for its intense strength and light weight properties. From sports cars to more conventional products such as carbon fiber bathtub, carbon fiber moccasins, carbon fiber bags and even carbon fiber chopsticks, this exclusive element has found its way in to your daily lives. Even accessory manufacturers for mobile devices have embraced carbon fiber for their creations, such as the carbon fiber iPhone cases etc. Now, an all-new company, Carbon Fiber Magic, dedicated towards  bringing the niceties of carbon fiber to Apple Inc. products  has come out with exquisite skins for numerous Apple products. The all new Carbon Fiber Magic Skins are designed and developed to provide your precious Apple devices such as the iPhone, Apple Keyboard, Apple Trackpad etc. with enhanced exclusivity with the use of carbon fiber.

Designed by Sterling Cross, the Carbon Fiber Magic Skins are essentially stickers that can be easily applied and removed from and off of Apple products. These magnificent carbon fiber stickers are available in four different colors, namely, black, graphite, silver and white, while the stickers for the Magic Trackpad and Magic Mouse also bring about a textured surface look to the devices. The Magic Mouse carbon fiber sticker carries a price tag of $29, while you can even order a pre-fabricated Carbon Fiber Magic Mouse for $99. The Magic Keyboard sticker will cost you $12 and the Magic Trackpad sticker will set you back $14.

Via Carbon Fiber Magic

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