Sharp’s Latest 156 Screen Display System Transports You to a Surreal World

The world has moved beyond 3D, at least Sharp Corporation of Japan has. 3D could never become the craze it was expected to be when it was developed. The experience was always below expectations because of viewing inconveniences and shortcomings. They had experimented with 3D LCD screens but now Sharp Corporation has now gone a couple of steps ahead of 3D and has developed a multi screen display system that surrounds you with its seamless display with a stunning never before viewing experience. And most importantly you don’t require any equipment to actually see it.

Sharp has installed this incredible display at the theme park of Hui Ten Bosch Co, Ltd. and are calling it the 5D Miracle Tour and will be open for public from April 29, 2011. It is the visual equivalent of surround sound. Sharp has been known for making the largest LCD TVs and here also they have a very large front screen that is surrounded by screens on the top, bottom, left and right to literally engulf the viewer with its images from five sides. Needless to add, that the quality of the images is very superior and life like. A total of 156 units of the PN-V601 60-inch LCD monitor have been put together to create the system. A combination of 36 and 24 monitors each have been configured in each of the five surfaces.

This 200 to 300 inch wide display is controlled by an image transmission system. It controls the transmission to all the 156 displays simultaneously to create one homogenous image and give the viewer a new and unique viewing experience. Instead of trying to go beyond their 108 inch LCD display Sharp has created a much bigger image by creating a system by adding several smaller screens. You will have to travel to Sabeso City, Nagasaki in Jan to see the impact of the image first hand or take my word for it.

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