Treadmill for the Busy Bees

I know that most of the obese people complain of the paucity of time to work-out. The excuse can no longer be valid for the busy people who are glued to their computers for long hours of the day.

Recently there have been innovations in the field of treadmills. One great piece is the iPod treadmill from LifeFitness and Technogym. But, the same problem of the excuse of time-shortage by the obese people keeps on lingering. Here is a revolutionary treadmill for all those who really want to burn excess calories while playing games at their computer, or while being connected to the outside world through internet.

Walkstation is precisely the name of this innovative and wonderful treadmill. It has been manufactured by James Levine from the Mayo clinic as well as Steelcase, a furniture manufacturer. The treadmill is designed to promote slow walk of 1mph. this would effectively reduce the fat of your body even while you are at work.

The American companies are thinking of installing it at the workplaces to promote health awareness among the employees for better productivity and to ensure an active life.

Via Gizmodo


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