Steve Jobs Round Frame Specs catch People’s Eye

Steve Jobs was an icon in life, but he seems to have become an even bigger one in death. Everything about his life is drawing the attention of more and more people. A clear proof of that are the burgeoning sales of his biography. Apparently, Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson has become the bestselling book of 2011.

Now the fascination does not end there. Steve jobs superyacht could be iPod Of Superyachts. Even his round framed specs have become a hot item these days. The eyewear worn by Steve Jobs on the cover of his biography is a product of Lunor, a German company. This particular model is called Lunor Classic round. The distributers of the frame claim that the sale of this model skyrocketed after Jobs’ death.

Steve jobs legacy for luxury brands seems to be getting stronger by the day. His style and success in marketing is rarely seen by any other brand. Infact he had become a brand in himself. He even popularized his black turtlenecks! Now that is a feat in itself!

If this specs has caught your eye too then you will have to shell around $450 for a pair. But finding specs from Lunor is not that easy as the company does not list its retailers on its website. But you could always try and find out from a local eyewear store. Infact several copies have cropped up in the market. If the exact brand does not matter then you can of course try those.

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