Those willing to possess a personal boat can now have one by dropping $10,500. Folks, this solar-driven boat will cost only one-time expenditure and would be your life-long investment. It requires minimal maintenance charges and fair amount of nautical knowledge. Very handy, full of fun; the boat doesn’t bite you with in terms of cost as it is pollution free and runs on solar energy. It can accommodate four adults with a 700 Watt electric motor that rides quietly at 5mph.
The motor is power-driven by four deep cycle batteries that are frequently invigorated by the sun during sunshine hours. During cloudy sky, you can enjoy your abode in this boat as it holds up to a 6-hour charg; thereby giving you the freedom to ride during night. For its usage during prolonged hours in absence of sun, it is accessible on some external source. Invest on it at Hammacher.