Shop From The Comforts Of Home With Superfish

Heard of Superfish? This is a new program that will help you shop better. Plus, it is also a great way to window shop. It works something like Coollris. All you have to do is download the Superfish software. The best part is it works all over the web  and tracks a ton of online shopping stores which include Yahoo Shopping and Goodgle.

There is a See Similar icon that will appear over enables items. Some experts even checked out Nordstrom. Clicking on the Pelle Moda Syreta Pump also pulled out a host of other similar options to choose from. The purchasing can all be made via Amazon. And on other days, we are quite sure you’d wanna stick to the traditional way of buying stuff by feeling it, probably trying it on and then paying on the spot. Shopping’s fun both ways!

Superfish also allows you a lot of flexibility in removing styles and colors you do not like. So when you eliminate say the Naughty Monkey pump and styles like it, you soon get options of other pumps in other virtual windows. We think it’s a great way to start comparison shopping especially on a day when you just don’t wanna leave the bed.

Via superfish

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