Ridemaster Pro is a Visibly Expensive Ride

Spend opulently, think irrationally and scream luxury…all these are traits of people stinking rich with an unexplored desire to do things for which they don’t have courage. And there comes the evolution of stimulators. If you also happen to belong to that category and have lately developed a desire to ride horses but lack fortitude to ride on a real horse then here an alternative. It also supports the argument of lavish city workers who are in favor of enjoying horse riding whist being at home. The rocking horse simulator christened as Ridemaster Pro offers an advanced, virtual reality riding machine combined with a perfunctory horse with a host of electronic sensors and everything gets visible onto a screen.

Designed and developed by Racewood Simulators, the Ridemaster Pro enables horse lovers to use standard riding modus operandi to jog, gallop and practice any number of sophisticated exercises. It’s suggestible for those located in awfully hot province, or the ones with pouring rains. Undoubtedly, it is far better than a real horse as it doesn’t include any maintenance costs i.e. food, vets, cleaning, etc.

Also, there is less chances of fall from the Ridemaster Pro and hence more concentration on fitness regime. Curious about its availability and pricing? The fully interactive Ridemaster Pro is priced at $67,000 plus VAT whilst the standard edition of the riding Simulator would cost you $32,000 plus VAT.

Check out our compilation of top 11 realistic simulators.

Via LuxuryLaunches
Ridemaster Pro

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