Ping, The New Networking Outfit

Facebook and Twitter are responsible for this major turn of events in our lives. Social networking is what drives us through the monotony of days. Perhaps, that’s the reason why husbands and wives do not squabble early in the morning but log on to their favorite website instead. No wonder these success stories (remember when we told you that Mark Zuckerberg, the 25 year old founder of Facebook is the top earner in the USA), have inspired many to follow suit.

The ‘ping’ that we refer to as a way of saying ‘hi’, has strangely given rise to a social networking garment courtesy a Jennifer Darmour. This rather fancy outfit wil allow your extremely eager friends automatically updated on your status by using simple gestures like putting on and taking off the hood.

Apparently, the dress makes use of the Lilypad and Lilypad Xbee with a custom software that works as an interface with Facebook. In other words, this is sure gonna be a fave with all you people who like things to be tuned to your ways. So go Ping and keep up with the times!

Via fashioningtech

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