We have the perfect companion for your precious cigar collection from Ysenberg. It is a new ashtray sold under the title ‘Ysentrays’ that is heavily influenced by Grand Prix and cashmere (there are two kinds of ashtrays). Yes, the Austrian goldsmith and design company wanted to develop news ways to continue enjoying their loyals.
This one is a luxe item to the core. In fact, if you look at the exterior you can spot the finest crystal glass which go well with the colored glass inlays. Both Ysentrays cpme with option of personalisation with initials and logos, the choice is yours. The Grand Prix version has a solid black frame which would remind you of the fastrack that our favorite racers ride on. On the other hand, the Cashmere style has the famous peacock imprints in black on a pastel green background. We do realise that the two concepts are not particularly novel but yes, they will look great on your side table.
The Ysentrays have been made in hand and bear a certificate which is duly signed by the designer and also carries the registered individual number to further personalise your glorious Ysenberg collection.
Via bornrich