Number Plates ropes in big numbers: 1 RH auctions off for $247,652!

Having a number plate that is specifically designed the way you want them in terms of what goes on the board is a bug deal and many people go out of their way to get one that they want. To have the initials that you want and to be the first one in that series is indeed a big deal and that is what was proved by the auctions of some very special number plates by the UK car registration agency. The 1 RH plate went for a whooping $247,652 and the other number plates also went for a lot and reaped in some rich bounty of the municipal authorities.

The sale of 1 RH was impressive, but so was the performance of other lots which achieved prices that would otherwise have raised eyebrows in their own right. Amongst the respectable sales which, nevertheless, pale by comparison were CHR 151S ($13,974) and AYM 44N ($10,564). There have been previous number plates that have gone for a fortune as well and it seems that the sale of number plates is totally immune to the economic slump happening worldwide.

The 1 RH was bought by businessman Robert Harverson and the recruitment sector specialist sure seemed happy with the deal he got out of it!

Via: Regtransfers / BBC

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