Modular Gloves: Cutting edge military gloves for civilian use!

It is pretty much a well-known fact by now that every thing that the army uses today, in some shape or form is the civilian technology of tomorrow. That has been the case from the Morse code to the internet and even after that. Now you have the Outdoor Research’s latest Modular Gloves, which will offer both firefighters and those really into biking and adventure sports a wonderful new way to protect their precious palms. Modular Gloves are comfortable, multi-layered gloves that are resistant to extreme temperatures and can be used in a combination of ways to handle both the extremely hot and the extremely cold!

The glove system is peculiar because the light, Nomex-based material also stretches four-ways, allowing the user a greater range or motion than usual. It also sheds light precipitation and has a soft, wicking interior. Made from a very tough and yet highly dexterous cloth called Wolverine, the layers of gloves with varied combination offer you comfort while handling and a capability to handle both the steaming hot and the frozen cold.

The current war in middle-east has seen the US Marines successfully use them and they have saved many lives and limbs thanks to their unique ability. The $1100 gloves would surely make a very special addition to your Christmas gift cart; all the more if you are a hiking or biking enthusiast!

Via: Wired

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