Now Scanning Dents on Your Car Isn’t an Uphill Task!

It is very embarrassing if one of your friends spots out a dent on your car especially when you are halfway through flaunting it! The disaster could have been averted if you had some special magic powers to catch the sight of such dents, which sometimes are very difficult to locate, and get them fixed. Here is an avant-garde parking system which will not only ensure the safety of your dear car but it will also detect the damages to your vehicle.

This concept has been formulated by a Serbian designer, Milos Todorovic. This novel parking concept will become a rage as nobody wants to put up with the unnoticed dents and scratches.

It features a metal frame which houses a semicircular metal bar; this bar can rotate 180 degrees and thus can easily scan the unnoticed damages, which would otherwise always elude bare eyes. It has a touch-sensitive panel which can control the movements of the bar. The green light on the metal frame indicates that ‘parking is available’.

As they say that there are pros and cons to everything, in jam-packed cities it will be very difficult to find enough room to place this parking system.

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1 Comment

  • Milos Todorovic says:

    Idea is to turn regular parking spots into little car shows. With the permission of the owner, which he would give by parking, you could read about history of the car manufacturer, model and it’s specifications. If you are potential buyer find out about car dealers and offers, change colors and see the interior with the help of hologram technology.Or if you are just passing by and you admire the design choose one of the presentation options. The owner can inspect car for damages, and get advices.

    Milos Todorovic

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