Ann Middleton Adds Dazzle to a Sunseeker Swimsuit that’ll Cost Aus$1 Million

If a jewelry designer designs a swimsuit you can be sure to find a lot of diamonds and gem stones on it. Australian jewelry designer Ann Middleton has created a swimming costume and has used over 220 diamonds and Australian pearls for some intricate detailing. The resultant impact on the price tag is injurious to your pocket. The dazzling swimsuit will cost you one million Australian Dollars which is equivalent to £583,302. One of the most expensive swimsuits has been designed especially for the inaugural Gold Coast Swim Fashion Festival scheduled to be held in Queensland later this month. Samantha Harris will be modeling the precious garment at the event and she will surely not be swimming in it at the risk of losing a precious stone.

The Diamonds on the Garment Add Up To 133 Carats

Ann Middleton, her work and fame is not limited to Australia. She has earlier created pieces for Elton John and Bill Clinton. For this particular expensive swimsuit she has collaborated with swimwear label Sunseeker. She has been designing jewelry for 39 years now and has used almost 100 Australian South Sea pearls in the pricey costume. The diamonds used in the swimsuit also add up to a total of 133 carats. The fashion event where the swimsuit will be showcased will take place at the Surfers Paradise Marriott Resort on November 28. Middleton, while talking to the Herald Sun claimed that she and her team spent hundreds of hours in creating a seemingly simple but perfectly beautiful garment.

Samantha Harris in the Most Expensive Swimsuit

There Have Been Mixed Reviews About the Swimsuit

Leanne St George is organizing the fashion festival. It is a beach inspired event and the organizers hope that it will draw the attention of media and the people at large to the Gold Coast and Queensland. They are excited about Samantha, Ann and Sunseeker being part of the inaugural event. It could become a platform to showcase the Queensland lifestyle and fashion to the world. The expensive swimsuit to be showcased at the event has however received mixed reviews from the media and experts. The Gloss has called it nothing more than glittery floss. They have even called it the perfect fashion disaster. At best they call it tacky. It is for you now to see the most expensive swimsuit and decide for yourself.

Via: thegloss, dailymail

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