MIT Students Develop Déjà vu, a Smart Bag that Reminds to Carry Your Keys while Going Out

You really feel like blessing the technology when it helps make life easier and ensures that you don’t make simple mistakes. MIT students Heidi Chen and Nicole Tariverdian have done just that, harnessed a standard technology to design a smart handbag that ensures that you will never leave home without your essentials. How many times has it happened with you that you have left the house without your cell phone even though you were expecting an important phone call. And everyone must be familiar with the harassment you have to go through when you lock yourself out without your keys.

Heidi Chen and Nicole Tariverdian are calling their smart bag Déjà vu. It is going to be a big help for the ladies who repeatedly check their bags for items they might have forgotten. This newly developed intelligent bag basically has an RFID system that helps you to remember to take important items like your wallet, keys, and cell phone with you. The process of activating your bag is very simple. You simply have to attach the custom RFID tags to the items that you feel you must carry while going out and switch on your bag and it becomes operational.

The RFID system incorporated in the bag will automatically scan items as they are put in the bag or taken out. The bag will always know what is in the bag. If you want to know what is in the bag you simply have to press a button and an LED display will light up to show which items are there. There is no need to search the bag to see which items are there. The RFID system installed in the Déjà vu bag has the installed capacity to handle a maximum of five tags. You must prioritize and select the five most important things for you and tag them.

Via: fashioningtech,

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