Laura Chavin Cigar Cases Redefine The Traditional Cigar Humidor

Storing cigars is both an art and a science. But laymen are no longer required to master the skills of cigar storage; not when Laura Chavin is around. The luxury brand recently launched the Laura Chavin Cigar Case. The brand is calling it “maison des cigares” or “home of the cigars”. Elegant and sophisticated, each cigar case or cigar humidor meets the stylistic requirements of its high-end clients and the functional needs of the cigars. Laura Chavin describes these as “First class travel for cigars”. And these cases could easily win the most expensive cigar holder tag. If not, at least in terms of price they are not likely to be far away. With prices starting from $25,500, the prices can be a deterrent, though not for the true connoisseur.

What sets the Laura Chavin Cigar Cases apart is that each humidor can control the temperature and air supply for months. Thus, the cigars are provided just the right climate to enable them to mature perfectly. A high-tech sponge nestled within the case maintains the necessary humidity within the case, without being affected by changing conditions outside.

The cases themselves may be small, but they are assembled out of thirty separate components. The waterproof calfskin is sourced from a single German tannery for luxury leather. In fact, it takes fifty separate processes to create these luxury cigar cases. Even opening the case is a study in style. As you flip open the case, the cigars glide out elegantly. Available in a range of colors, the Laura Chavin Cigar Case is the perfect gift for a cigar connoisseur.

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