Bag That TV!!!

As bizarre as it may sound, Bagtv is actually the name given to a range of handbags that feature and integrated 7″ DVD/MP3 player accompanied by a digital photo viewer. Wow, did we ever think of anything like this to be part of our lives? Naah, not even in our wildest dreams, right!

The success of Bagtv is quite certain as it is both stylish and entertaining. Plus the 2.5 hours of battery life makes it difficult for you to miss on your fave TV show. You an even connect the Bagtv to your PC for uploading pics and videos. Available in seven colors, the BagTV comes at a price of £295 ($435), and the company does offer international shipping for additional £9.50 ($14.00). So there, for just $450 you become the geekiest and chicest babe on the block.

So, now watch TV wherever you go, flaunt your best pics to the girls at the pub or simply let your hair down to some tube tunes on the tube home. It is certain, you shall draw some jaw-dropping glances but hey, doesn’t that increase the joy manifold. The first of its kinds, the Bagtv is perfect blend of luxury, style and high technology. By the by, apart from the colours there are various leathers and fabrics to choose your Bagtv from. So, go ahead and watch TV!!!

Via redferret

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