Electronic Sports’ Flight Simulator Dogfight Doubles As Personal Gym

Gaming addicts know how difficult it is to leave their favourite games, get off their butts and get some real action. Try telling any of them to head to the gym and they would whine, why can’t virtual gaming be more real?!

The new flight simulator by Electronic Sports can’t get any more real than you could ask for, unless you seriously want to crash-land on a desert and break your neck. The Dogfight is a flight simulator that was designed to keep the players’ reflexes eagle-sharp and quick but it does more than just that while you have a fun time. Propelling of the plane is done by actual pedalling which means the plane’s speed is controlled by the user. Joystick has been replaced by spring-loaded handles that would give your arms as much exercise as your legs would be getting. Dogfight allows single player mission or you could opt to challenge someone else and see how you perform against others on the Electronic Sports site.

Getting your hands on this gaming/exercise machine before the 15th of next month will ensure that you get it cheaper than others so make haste!

Via: Coolest-Gadgets


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