$3,600 L’Or de Jean Martell: Latest Cognac From Martell Cognac

True drinkers know the importance of taste and recognise the slightest differences in the fragrance, colour, and taste of the drink of their choice. Aimed at cognac lover, the house of Martell Cognac brings you their latest offering, L’Or de Jean Martell cognac.

Following the tradition of attaining perfectionism, the lates cognac by Jean Martell combines the four finest growths of Grand Champagne, Petite Champagne, Fins Bois and Borderies. Aged and made in Borderies, Cognac, the eau de vie holds a heady amber colour with tints of mahogany. The combination of four growths leads to a fine taste which lingers between fruity and spicy and hints of a woody touch as well, much like the taste of strawberry consumed under a great big pine tree. The Jean Martell cognac carries the French tradition of offering the best in quality at every process of the making of the cognac and this can be sensed in L’Or de Jean Martell.

L’Or de Jean Martel is served in a decanter made from Cristal de Sevres and deigned like a droplet of blood caught in a sleek container. The decanters are hand blown and each bottle of L’Or de Jean Martell costs $3,600.

Via: PRNewsWire
l'or de jean martell

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  • I love the taste of the martell cognac. I am always out on the lake every friday night with close friends sipping it by the pier. I will bring this new one out and we will see how it goes!!

  • Why would you drink it by the pier? Martell Cognac is not something for a board-walk or beach-walk occasion. I have had the pleasure of trying this one though, and it is well worth the occasional purchase.

  • Michael Scott says:

    Ah Life! How wonderful our delights, conceits and indulgences!

    Pierre, great Brandies and great women can be equally enjoyed on both the beaches of the Vineyard and in the chambers of the George Cinq. It’s all a matter of taste and opportunity.

    And yes, L’Or de Jean Martell is “…well worth the occasional purchase.”

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