Minimalistic Leaf Phone Is Eco-Friendly And Makes Up For Missing Jewelry!

Technology may once have been called the greatest enemy to ecology but that is no longer how it is viewed as today. Now we have hi tech gadgets that only reinforce our belief that technology and nature go hand in hand. The abundant presence of green gadgets is proof of this new view.

The Leaf is a cool phone that is simplistic and would garner the interest of those who adhere to a lifestyle of minimalism. The flexible cell phone can be worn as a bracelet around your wrist, which makes it part-jewellery, but what makes this simple gadget so interesting is its green feature. The phone has a panel of solar cells on its back which create enough energy to keep the phone running. Just wear the breacelet phone and walk out into the sun to charge your phone.

Apart from being powered by solar energy, the phone can also be recharged in the traditional manner with electricity. Designed by Seungkyun Woo and Junyi Heo, the fact that the phone can only be used for calls and messaging underlines it statement of minimalism.


Via: YankoDesign

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