World’s highest Spa at 117th floor in Ritz-Carlton Hong Kong

There is certainly no dearth of retreat options around the world if you’re looking from anything that either involves nature or downright luxury services. But the newest luxe spa service in Hong Kong still manages to shine out in the heap. Ritz-Carlton International Commerce Center has the ESPA spa seated on the 116th and 118th floors, thus claiming to be the highest spa on Earth.

Usually services like that would go for titles like ‘world’s most expensive’ or ‘world’s most luxurious’ or even ‘World’s most soothing,’ but ESPA will deliver altogether a difference experience owing to its unconventional location. The architects here have well taken care of people who are scared of heights. They have made layout in such a space that you wouldn’t feel it at all.. the space has rounded aedges and curved walls to create an illusion of insulation and gives you a feeling that is protected from the world below. The relaxation room, there are custom-designed lounger pods which appear as private, safe-feeling cocoons. And the price is bound to be steep. A 90 minute Lava Shell Treatment would set you back around $191 USD and the treatment would include heated shells, warmed aromatic oils, and deep-tissue-massage that will open up the knots of stress and make you feel more relaxed.

The list of other treatments includes Radiance Facial with Jade Stone Eye Treatment, Prescriptive Facial and Lava Shell Foot Treatment and Executive Destress Treatment all of which are priced at $191. So pick up or all and treat yourself at the highest spa in the world.

Via: Bellasugar

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