Speak Fireplace with Integrated Biocamino

The traditional use of a fireplace has always been for heating or cooking, but in recent times this isn’t so. Working in a cosy environment had never been so literal until the latest introduction in the Biocamino collection, “Speak” was made. “Speak’ is the new workstation with an integrated burner. Not only is this fireplace extremely stylish and sleek like the Blomus fireplace and Napoleon fireplace but also offers a lot more to the owner.

Apart from being essential during the cold, chilly winters it also serves excellently as a workstation. Previous contemporary fireplaces such as those that serve as outdoor fireplace kits and portable fireplaces have managed to make their mark but this latest Biocamino addition not only goes past these but also adds a whole new meaning to practicality. It’s able to do so due to the availability of its use indoors as opposed to the ones mentioned before, which serve their purpose only outdoors.

Designed in way to suit numerous needs it is available at two different heights, 45 and 70 cm as per the likes of the user. The table can also hide the hearth in its belly and the heart can make its entry again whenever the need arises. It thus offers the user the pleasure of fire whenever and wherever he or she may want. The structure of folding chrome tubing carries a wooden box that houses the burner.

The outlet of the fire is made from Slimtech which is a thin ceramic plate only 3 mm thick, produced by Lea  Ceramiche. It is an ethanol fireplace and is eco-friendly and pollutant free. This eco-friendly nature of a fireplace can also be seen in previous indoor fireplaces like that of the coffee table with integrated fireplace offered by Planika.

More conventional ways in which a fireplace would be teamed up with another form of utility has been seen in the past, in the case of wood fireplaces where a fireplace can be turned into baebeque grill within a minute just by making minor changes in the assembling. Also space problems are curbed in the case of a stove fireplace which is clutter free and practical. Here space is no longer made an issue. The Biocamino goes one step further as its prime use (which is that of a workstation) caters to many other smaller uses thus giving it the facility of multiple use. This is one of the major plus points that help make this model of furniture exclusive.

This new piece of furniture gives an extremely contemporary look to the old traditional feel of a basic fireplace. Not only does it add a new edgy character to the house but also contradicts this statement by giving a homely feel just like any other fireplace would. It thus caters to a wide audience with varying tastes. I would definitely recommend this fireplace to people with an eye for fashion but yet a soft corner for comfort. It’s safe to say that this furniture/accessory adds to make a splendid home living experience.

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