Soneva Kiri by Six Senses Launches Treepod Dining in Thai Jungle

Designer Louis Thompson must be given all the credit for creating the most unique dining experience. I am talking about the Treepod dining. It has been launched by Soneva Kiri of Six Senses and it is definitely the most spectacular way to enjoy a meal in the canopy of the Thai jungle. You can really enjoy the jungle while having a meal. Guests board a ‘bird’s nest’ at ground level, fasten their seatbelts and are hoisted 16 feet into native, massang trees.

Even conceiving this idea seems to be a bit wild but actually executing it needs a lot of conviction and self belief. The Treepod can seat for up to four diners and the waiter gets to and fro via a zip line. Since you are right in the middle of a jungle the menu also has a jugle theme like Canapés in the Canopy, Forager’s Basket, Woodland Offerings and such like.

The best part of this eco friendly initiative is that the whole paraphernalia has been built without any bolts or attachments into the actual trees. From design to final realization took two years but the effort has been worth it as the guests are not simply appreciating it but thoroughly enjoying it.

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