The “Emotive Robotic Avatar” from Hammacher Schlemmer is One Cool Robot

The “Emotive Robotic Avatar” from Hammacher Schlemmer is one cool robot. But unfortunately it is out of the reach of most of us non-filthy rich individuals. And why would I say one has to be filthy rich to buy this toy? Well cause the price tag is a whopping $65,000. But no problem in reading about it right?

So this robot is a little servo-actuated guy that can talk, wave its arms and change its expression. This robot has a tablet PC with a 30 foot range, capable of receiving a real-time video feed that enables it to do all these things. The changing the expression feature is pretty cool but kinda creepy as the expression can suddenly change from happy to evil. Makes me think of chucky. If it were me, I wouldn’t really gift it to a child (atleast if I like that child). And besides it is a little out of my range.

The talking part is pretty cool. This robotic avatar can speak in both his and her voices. This Emotive Robotic Avatar was earlier called Quasai, and was showcased at the Toy Fair earlier this year. Not sure if there would be many takers for it. But then there is no dearth of filthy rich geeks out there.

Via: Engadget

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