The Pawn Launches Biodynamic Wines and Journal

Natural methods of farming have been becoming more and more popular. Environmentally conscious people are exploring ways and processes in every field that puts the least strain on nature. For the people interested in wines and winemaking the Pawn has introduced an all-new wine journal comprising entirely of sustainable, organic and biodynamic wines. It has been compiled like a 80 page scrapbook by wine director of Press Room Group Kavita Faiella. In the journal, Kavita has chronicled her experiences with a handful of family-run wineries.

The scrapbook style journal also has overviews of handpicked wines from France, Italy, Spain, Slovenia, Australia and the United States and gives the reader a better understanding of the process that results in the exclusive wines. Kavita highlights the biodynamic viticulture which is described as a step beyond organic winemaking. It is basically a self sustaining farming technique. Kavita explains that biodynamic synchronizes the agricultural process with the rhythms of the earth. It is the most natural agricultural process. It leverages the natural elements and energy created by certain solar, lunar and planetary alignments in the Zodiac that create an impulse.

If you adapt the agricultural process to the rhythms of the earth, one can enhance the essential characteristics of the planet, the fruit and ultimately, the wine. This process of winemaking is completely sustainable and gives back into the Earth what it takes out. It allows the vines to grow naturally. It ensures longevity of the vineyard. The Pawn is also offering wines produced in eco-friendly, chemical-free conditions as described in their journal. The wines can be sampled by the glass or ordered by the bottle.

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