World’s most expensive Ham @ $2,100 per leg

When it comes to luxury, the most common question that is most frequently asked is that, “How far are you willing to go to satisfy your insatiable appetite?” As far as the rich and the affluent are concerned, it seems this line is almost a blur, as has been proven with the introduction of the world’s most expensive ham that carries a mind boggling price tag of $2,100 per leg and is considered to be one of the finest ham varieties in the world. Known as the 2006 Alba Quercus Reserve, this one of a kind ham is produced by Manuel Maldonado of Spain and to ensure that the meat carriers exclusivity as well as a distinct taste, the Spaniard feeds his pigs witha diet of high-quality acorns. However, the trick behind the delicious taste of this succulent ham is that Mr. Maldonado cures the meat for more than two years, which is way longer than any of his competitors. This remarkable most expensive ham is expected to hit the markets in the year 2008 and will be available at $160 per pound, while interested consumers will be required to purchase the entire 13 pound ham leg.

To ensure that his most expensive ham retains its exclusivity in the market, Mr. Maldonado has stated that he will be selling just 80 to 100 legs of the 2006 Alba Quercus Reserve, while the year affixed before the name, signifies the year in which the pig was slaughtered. This magnificent addition to the long list of luxury food has already attracted  bids from as a far away as China that are now being reserved for the auction of the ham’s 200 legs, scheduled to take place next year.

According to Manuel Maldonado,

“This is the best ham in the world because it comes from the best pigs in the world. But I also cure the meat for twice as long so the taste is so much richer.”

Via Pig Progress

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