Underrated Luxury Car Brand, Lincoln Now Bestowed With Top Premium Brand Title

The consumer spending trends as far as luxury cars are concerned, have in the recent time shifted from economy to luxury, so much so that the U.S market is now filled with luxury car manufacturers vying to grab the consumers’ attention.  In this plethora of luxury brands in the automobile industry, it might become a bit difficult to choose as to which one might prove to be the most reliable. However, if you go by the rankings published by auto industry resource AutoPacific, for the annual 2011 Vehicle Satisfaction Awards, one of the foremost names in luxury automobiles and a major U.S  luxury brand, Ford Mortors, Lincoln has now been named as the ‘Top Premium Brand’ after the results of the voting were declared. The 2011 Vehicle Satisfaction Awards are considered to be quite prestigious and have been in effect for the last 14 years, with this year’s voting rounds witnessing some  68,000 new car buyers and leasers swaying towards Lincoln.

Another remarkable turn of opinions was registered in the favor of the cash struggling U.S luxury car brand, Chrysler that has now been voted as the ‘Top Popular Brand’ among all brands in the American markets. These luxury brand awards are some of the most insightful tools for auto manufacturers to understand the demands and hopes of the consumers in a timeline, where the common man’s car brands are also stepping up to provide stiff competition to some of the most established luxury car brands.  Apart from these two shocking revelations, Mercedes Benz S-Class grabbed the Top Car’ award and the famous Cadillac Escalade took home  the ‘Top Truck’ award, while speed demon, Porsche 911 was given the title of the ‘Top Sports Car’.

Via Motor Authority


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