Umbrella Skirt: What You Need to Wear In Order to Be Experimental

Fashion need not be something that is glittering or well designed and does not need to be bought in one of the exclusive stores in the fashion district of Milan or Paris. It could be something kitschy and quite avant-garde, which many people may not even like.

However, fashion that is experimental and fun can be encouraged by us fashion lovers, in order to bring that razz which might be lost in these times of jaded economic downturns. Cecilia Felli from Busto Arsizio, (VA), Italy us a fashion and graphic designer who has created the Umbrella Skirt. The Umbrella Skirt is created using old umbrella fabric and is hand sewn in order to leave the elements of the umbrella intact and recognizable.

It could be created in several colours and patterns, and they are targeted at fashion conscious bold girls who are ready to experiment with their clothes.

The cost of the Umbrella Skirt is 70 Euros, which is not all that expensive.

It just tells us that clothes need not be mundane and boring, and could be experimental and avant-garde as they at least bring back the lost fizz in our lives.

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