Swanky Power Plates Are In!

Whenever we buy fitness equipment the first thing we do is search for a place in our house to hide it, because generally these equipments are not aesthetic. Japanese designer, Kenzo Takata understands this very well and has designed a power plate which will not only take those extra kilos off your body but will also be the center of attraction in your house.

The most surprising thing is, the Japanese designer is basically a fashion designer and still he pushed his boundaries and gave a fine touch to this fitness equipment. These days, people are becoming more responsive to the latest fashion trends, very soon the conventional fitness equipments will be pushing the daisies and these jazzed up equipments will be doing the rounds.

This machine will do all the ‘heavy lifting’ and you just have to stand on it and wait for those vibrations to tone up your muscles. Revolutionary machines like this have falsified the theory of ‘no pain no gain’. This darling machine is available at £9,525 and because it is a limited edition range, it will only be available on request. So, ride on this new vibrator, get a toned body and enjoy the pleasures that come along with it!

via: 1) uk.powerplate

      2) weheart

      3) bookofjoe

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