The Moon Will Now Envelop You For A Sound Sleep With Full Moon Odyssey Floor Mattress & Pillow



From the age of being a kid, the most fascinating of all elements of nature is the earth’s very own satellite, the Moon that has spawned a long list of fairy tales capturing the imagination of billions across the globe. Many astronauts such as the likes of Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin had the immense fortunes of having to see the moon, up close and personal with their landmark flight to the moon, leaving millions staring at awe at their television screens. Now, one of the premier design studios, i3lab has come with a phenomenal product that will not only let you carry the moon with you but has been designed especially to provide the consumers with a relaxing nap. We are talking about the all new Full Moon Odyssey Floor Mattress & Pillow. Entitled, ‘Nocturne By Moonlight’ this magnificent set comes with  a gorgeous mattress that has been designed and developed by Korean designer Lily Suh in collaboration with Zoono of i3lab along with the valuable inputs from astrophotographer Chin Wei Loon. This entire set is yet another addition to  growing line of products inspired from the beauty and the myths related to the moon. Some of the other gorgeous and highly creative lunar inspired products are the Moon Clock, Moon Orb Lamps etc.


The photographs depicted in the moon mattress were taken on January 29th, 2010 from Kuala Lumpur using a 6 inch telescope and DMK CCD camera. The entire surface of the moon mattress is composed of 26 lunar photographs. Next in line the splendid Nocturne By Moonlight, full-moon shaped pillow that has been designed to provide the consumers with the most serene sleep, as the moon pillow glows in the dark. The Moon Pillow has been embedded with some 65 lunar mosaic images, that were taken by astrophotographer Norbert Rumiano from Nantes, West France on February 23rd, 2005. The entire set composed of the Moon mattress and the Moon mattress carries a price tag of $1,970.

Via DesignBoom

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