The Hat, A Montecristi Panama With Brent Black Stamp Sells For $100,000

When looking for a new hat, you’ve got to trust Brent Black’s judgment. Well the man is a well-known authority of hand-woven hats and now he has the finest Montecristi Panama in the world at a hefty price of $100,000. Simply referred to as ‘The Hat’, this one has been exquisitely woven from fine toquilla straw that too only in Ecuador. A group of master weavers worked on it night and day for five months under the leadership of king weaver Simón Espinal, who lives in the village of Píle in Montecristi Canton.

But that isn’t all for The Hat took several more weeks for the finishing touches. So much effort is readily reflected by the price range of this beauty. We hear that the Montecristi Panama has not been blocked into a style or size as it awaits its new owner. Again, the fineness of this piece can be simply found in the fact that it weighs less than one ounce and is actually as thin as stationary.

Black says that The Hat is incomparable and that he did not really want to part with it in the first place but for $100,000 he finally decided to give it up. However, if this one is way too much out of your range then you can check out some other hats by Black which usually fall between $5,000 and $30,000.

Via brentblack

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