As summer tilts ahead, suburban geography becomes a venue for contest of lawns, each one contending to be own the best green shade. But the jury will decide the award winner! And now you must be wondering who all fall under the jury panel right? Possibly, the only worthy jury can be the Grass Scanner, which unfortunately is just a concept. So, folks you have to hold the contest for a while until designer Alice Wang finds some intelligent manufacturer that can give you a green signal to reschedule one. The abstract mechanism takes interpretation from three squares of grass, shaping out where your lawn seats in a Pantone tint swatch of greens. And the moment you have your Pantone code, it becomes easier for you to compare its greenness with the “average” grass shades of parks spread across the U.K.
Now let’s talk some reality. The Grass Scanner is neither an easy thing to build nor is expected to create a demand. According to me the good eye vision is enough to identify the best shade of green and also people may go ahead comparing the lawn color with their neighbors’ lawn and not public parks.
Via WeMakeMoneyNotArt/ Instructables