The Affluent Prefer the iPhone, the More Affluent Prefer Blackberries

You might have imagined every affluent person to own a Blackberry or an iPhone encrusted with diamonds or gold. While the reality is something totally different. Only 61% of the affluent people own Smartphones and this leaves a whole new crowd of people to be tapped for selling Smartphones. 39% of affluent people amount to almost 8 million people, which would be almost 8 million Smartphones.

Now, there could be many reasons why this market has chosen not to buy a Smartphone. Perhaps, educating them about the benefits or attracting them with offers won’t do. There needs to be more marketing and branding strategies in order to tap this potential market for Smartphones. Those who earn more than $200,000 prefer Blackberries and those who earn slightly less than $200,000 seem to prefer iPhones. Now, one needs to find out what could be done in order to make sure that the rest of the affluent get to choose between either of the two Smartphones.

Moreover, there are also many other Smartphones which might be attractive to certain ages, and demographics. Asians usually prefer Samsung and Indians prefer Nokia. While, the Caucasians prefer iPhones and Blackberries more. Thus, one needs to tap into the market to see who might want what and depending on that the potential market could be realized. There could also be a market for tablets instead of Smartphones! We had written about Affluent Audiences preferring iPhone and also about Android Smartphones. So go ahead, and try to figure out what you wanna buy. I am sure, there would be a Smartphone for everyone.


Via: Luxury daily

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