The Actor Is Hurt, Picasso Might Be Shifting In His Grave

Anyone would be more than happy to gain fame by associating oneself with a great artist’s painting. But we are not so sure if a certain woman who was attending an art class at New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art thinks the same. Well, she has a very good reason for that. From what we hear she accidentally fell into a $130 million worth Picasson painting and damaged it. This pianting is called The Actor and it has sustained a vertical tear of about six inches long on the lower right-hand corner.

Apparently, the woman (whose identity has not been revealed) was at the Museum for an adult education class when she lost her balance and fell against the Picasso painting. And soon after the authorities rushed the painting to the Metropolitan conservation studio for repair. And they are quite pleased to tell everyone that since the damage did not occur in the focal point of the composition, the repair will be unobtrusive.

Here’s a little dope of the hurt (The)Actor. Picasso painted this one in the winter of 1904-05 which was the time the legend was shifting from his Blue Period (remember the tattered beggars and blind musicians) to his Rose Period that focused on costumed acrobats. The artwork is almost 6 feet by 4 feet and shows an acrobat standing in a pink costume with blue knee-high boots against an abstract backdrop.

Via bbc

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