Tarditi Boucle Feuille de Tabac to Shimmer the Evening

If you were wondering what you should wear to that gala party which is filled with snooty people just like you, you would know that you would have to wear something that would make you snootier. In my opinion, you just have to go pick up the bronzed Tarditi leaflet earrings that have been inspired by tobacco leaves and they look just great. This is an awesome chocolate diamond encrusted jewel and Tarditi Boucle Feuille de Tabac will make you the star of the night.

Alain Tarditi who designed these earrings felt he had the need to replicate the beauty of tobacco leaves. Tobacco is something that has been accused and detested but it also has given joy to many people. This joy is what perhaps Alain tries to capture in these earrings.

There are about 197 chocolate coloured diamonds in these earrings and the 26 white diamonds make them more alluring than ever. You would just have to try them on once. Nobody would have bought them and hence they would be your signature earrings.

Via: TrendHunter


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