Swiss Air is More Luxurious Than Ever!

If you had been wondering which are the most luxurious airlines to fly, you must have thought about a number of companies. However, Swiss Air has recently revamped their first class cabins and now they come with awesome features and upgrades. The new cabins will offer additional space, privacy, connectivity and even luxury. You would get an awesome 23” screen to watch all the movies you want to, and you would also get a touch screen remote.

You can use the full length bed to sleep as you want and feel as comfortable as you want. The flights will definitely be a lot more luxurious than they were before. So if you are planning to take a flight from Europe, make sure you take a connecting flight from the Swiss Air.

They not only offer comfort and luxury, but also class and elegance. There is nothing better than a comfortable flight without any bad memories to remember when you land, right?

Via: PSFK/Portfolio

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1 Comment

  • You realize that Swissair went out of business in 2002? Maybe you’re thinking of Swiss International Air Lines, whose logo just says “Swiss”.

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