Steampunk Millennium Chess Table: For the die hard Star Wars fanatics

Steampunk is a design trend that is really catching on with even some mainstream designers taking inspiration from those who love to rev it up and create that unusual yet unique look. The Millennium Chess Table is a wonderful example of the perfect Steampunk design integrated with cool features that make it a truck load of fun. Build to please the Star Wars loyal, the table follows the design of the ship religiously and with meticulous detail. The 50 seconds of music and lighting that emanates from the in-built flash drive mimics the scene from movie as well.
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The designs of the table along with its audio and video capabilities make it an exclusively unique piece, that the maker claims would not be repeated by him. Of course, he promises to make non-Steampunk-styled versions of the table and sell them off.

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Perfect as a conversation piece in the heart of your living room, its Steampunk style will be the perfect contrast to the regular minimalist style that most modern homes and interiors sport. With various light-patterns built in and switches to control them placed on the table, this will be a lot more than a static piece. Interactive and exclusive, check out the video for the nostalgic trip back in time… and space!

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1 Comment

  • Would love to own one of these. I’m getting ready to turn our second floor lobby into a millennium falcon cargo hold. This would be one piece I wouldn’t have to build. Curious as to your price and lead time. Thank you

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