Is The Acoustic Resonance Massage Chair Worth $7,000?

Eminem believes that music can alter moods and talk to you and most anyone else would agree with him. But Hammacher Schlemmer went a few steps ahead and decided that music need not only relate to our mental well being but can also help in the area of our physical health.

The Acoustic Resonance Massage Chair has 30 plain and 30 wound piano strings in brass enmeshing the back of the chair. Inspired by medieval Scandinavian cradles that used the same concept to soothe babies to sleep, the German musical chair requires the user to hire some talented fingers to play the harp. The vibration from the strings produces not just beautiful clear melodies but also sends vibrations all through the chair giving the person residing on it a great massage all the way to the fingertips.

Unfortunately, the chair would be absolutely useless for someone who doesn’t have friends with any musical talent who would be willing to spend their time sitting around trying to give you a kinky massage with no contact. Take all the romance and fun out of your massages with $7,000.

Acoustic Resonance Massage Chair

Via: BookOfJoe/GizModo

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