Spanx Haute Contour: Now shapewears look sexy!

Ok so there are thousands, ok maybe not thousands but atleast dozens of shapewears out there in the market. The name that has become synonymous with these corrective underwears, is the word “Spanx”, like Vaseline for petroleum jelly, and Xerox for Photostats. These Spanx usually are effective in tucking in those tummy tyres or whatever flab you have, but the one problem with them is that they arent’ the prettiest underwear out there.

But Spanx has taken that problem into account and has brought out an upscale line called Haute Contour that not only shapes you up, but also looks really sexy. This brand new collection has 12 designs and has been dubbed “The Dessert of Shapewear”. The naming is quite a pathetic attempt at sounding sexy I guess, but the product is definitely not bad. The pieces include camisoles, slips, mid-thigh shapers, a bra, and also a thong.

Since the quality and look is much better, the pricing is also higher as compared to the more generic looking counterparts. Prices start from $88, and go upto $198. If you don’t mind the funny looking shapewears then it is fine, but if you are one of those people who want their lingerie to look good too, then this should be your pick.

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