Space Trip After Death Is Possible!

Pop quiz for all living souls: How many of you have had a chance to make a trip to moon during the course of your life? Think….thinking……not me! Alright, now tell me how many of you would wish to visit moon after death? No, don’t call me insane as it is the revolutionary way devised by Celestis, a Texas company to depart this life. Company has disclosed that it will begin launching human cremated remains to the surface of the moon by 2009. Mind you, this outlandish experience doesn’t come cheap and thus demands a hefty sum. The “Luna” burial package is may vary from $10,000 to $15,000. It comes with a customized DVD of the launch that includes a memorial service. Experiencing this way of departing from this life can be considered as even ordinary funerals bites you with the sum of $6,000 plus. The company invited people to attend the launch of someone’s ashes in the similar fashion as they would attend someone’s funeral.

Company’s Web site reads: “Leaving Earth to touch the cosmos is an experience few have ever known, but many have often dreamed of. The nature of these space services respects your dreams and memory of your departed loved one by launching a symbolic portion of cremated remains into Earth orbit, onto the lunar surface or into deep space.”

There is an addition to the news. Practices are being implemented to return the cremated remains to Earth. Celestis is an established player in this industry maintaining the exclusivity of these services and has sent the ashes of James Doohan, who played Scotty on Star Trek, into space in two individual memorial spaceflights. Go ahead and pen down your views about minting money from the ashes of dead body. Is it really a practice to be practiced?

Via InventorSpot
Space Trip

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