Rolls Royce’s Bespoke programme gives their clientele personalized customization

When I first looked at these pictures I smiled thinking that even this picnic set looks so very classy and expensive. But then, it is afterall a Rolls Royce picnic set. Now you would ask since when did Rolls Royce start making picnic sets! Well this is just a part of their Bespoke programme in which the buyers can gets their Rolls Royce cars customized whichever way they please.

This means any kind of alteration or addition, be it an understated feature like personalized tread plates, personalized veneers, or even a paint job in their favourite colour! Rolls Royce has also come out with beautiful glassware, luggage, and a very opulent looking picnic set. A cross functional team at Rolls Royce includes engineers, designers, as well as people from sales and manufacturing that create these amazing things.

And the Bespoke programme is catching on with the Rolls Royce customers as 2009 saw a record level of 75 percent of them asking for some element of Bespoke. Infact all the cars sold in the Middle East featured bespoke elements. The picnic set in the picture is coming to UK’s exclusive Salon Privé at the Hurlingham Club in London from 21 to 23 July 2010.

Via: MotorWard

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