Retractable pool adds fun to the Luxury Yacht

The concept of luxury yacht has been acquiring greater dimensions. Yacht is now bigger and more stylish. Infact, it resembles a super racing car from the front. You can now carry many of your belongings including your car which can be kept in the floating garage. This would ensure a hassle free journey.

The boarders in the ship can now enjoy swimming without being scared of the sea creatures. Vuk Dragovic, a Serbian designer, visualized the idea of having a pool inside the ship and hence introduced the concept of Atreides luxury yacht. This concept allows having a retractable pool at the back of the ship along with some extra space for boarders looking for sunbathing. One part of the pool is followed by beautiful stairs and the other three acts like a boundary wall which separates the pool from the sea. This would give you a sea beach experience on the cruise itself.

The pool appears to be a water body within the waters of the sea. Earlier you could just view the sea from the yacht, but now with Atreides luxury yacht, you could very much feel a part of it. The water sport has added the element of fun in the marine experience of the luxury yacht.

Via: Luxury Issues

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