Regence Style Concert Grand Piano Opens Bid At A Massive $225,000

If music is a passion and money is not a problem, then pause a moment to take a look at the Regence Style Concert Grand Piano that was created by Sebastien Erard Paris. Well, this spectacular musical instrument is up for bidding and it is expected to fetch big bucks. With its rather grand length of 246 cm, this unique masterpiece was first seen participating in the the International Universal Exposition of Industry way back in 1889 in Paris.

Right now, one can take a look at the piano at Loiret in France. We are told that the case of the grand instrument has been painted in hand with a signature of the noted painter Heber Lippmann. He has portrayed the 18th entury Flemish country sides, ocean as well as river scenes.
The Regence Style Concert Grand Piano sits heavy on a six legged gold plated base. The 18th century theme atop the face of the piano is kept intact with cembalis of the similar styles attched to the legs. The auction begins in December 5th with the opening bid at $225,000.

Via billionairexchange

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