Re(birth) Design To Create Interactive Reception Areas

Reception rooms must be the most boring places on earth. Usually they are as silent as a graveyard and you always have a strict receptionist, albeit a pretty one with a great smile, telling you to please keep your voice down.

For all the politeness in the world, reception areas can be the most unfriendly places for just this reason. Re(birth) Design will change all that with the whole decor of the reception area being pepped up to encourage interaction between visitors. The transition in ambience is by way of a new design created by a team of Dutch designers and architects from Bosch & Fjord. The ‘furniture’ in the new layout are made from white block with red holes cut out of them. The holes are designed in the sort of shapes people would leave if they leaned against or sat down on soft blocks of clay.

Perhaps you just wish to stand against a table and lean over to talk to someone with your elbows pressed against the tabletop. Well, now you have the perfect place for it. The idea behind the designs is certainly heart warming but the designs don’t look so great. It reminds me of the sort of shape the butt of an extremely fat woman would leave behind on a sofa.
Re(birth) Design

Via: TrendsNow
Re(birth) Design

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