Prince William To Check Out His Wedding Carriage In Australia

And we thought age added charm and a beauty of its own. But there is one person who has lost a lot of once-upon-a-time die-hards of his to a receeding hairline. We are talking about Prince William and he should be thanking his stars that girlfriend Kate Middleton doesn’t think so. Truth be told, there have been several rumors anticipating the wedlock of the next Royal couple. And in the same breath we also heard that William will soon be visiting Jim Frecklington at his Sydney workshop to take a look at the royal carriage he has designed that will carry the prince and his newlly wedded wife on the big day.

We are told that the hand-built carriage is a beauty and is currently getting finishing touches from the great artist. 24 diamonds decorate this spectacular vehicle along with 140 sapphires and more than 400 books of gold leaf.

Even the lumber used for building the carriage came from the Tower of London, Lord Nelson’s HMS Victory and Henry VIII’s warship The Mary Rose. William will get to sit atop a fragment taken from Scotland’s Stone of Scone that has been used by monarchs for generations. The master artist who spent six years creating this carriage has named it the new State Coach Britannia.

Via dailystar

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1 Comment

  • william will never marry with this gold-miner and motivate sosial climber

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