MST3 Shades Look Awesome, and Can be Great Christmas Gifts

Some of the best things in the world come in surprisingly weird packages. Now that the Christmas is fast approaching, there is no limit to all the cool gifts that one can buy for the near and dear ones. With so many different products being sold and talked about, it can actually become a hassle to choose the right product.

Here are some cool MST3 shadeswhich are clever acrylic glasses. You could even download a technical drawing of these shades but you will need to have a laser cutter to do so. You could make your own awesome MST3 shades and there would be no looking back. While this is neither a product nor does it needs any packaging, it shows that buying a gift for Christmas can be quite cool, and quite artistic and innovative as well.

It is not always necessary to buy or choose a product that comes with great packaging and great specification. So go ahead and download the technical drawing and get to work before Christmas arrives and before you are left with no time at all for shopping or to build a cool pair of sunglasses like this one here.

Via: Oh Gizmo

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