Most Expensive Bottle of Wine Demands Fuelling $150,000

As it comes to pass that the richer you get, the most class you have to maintains and the elegance of your lifestyle begins to define who you are. There is nothing more concrete when it comes to style and panache than an exquisite bottle of wine and if you happen to acquire the world’s most expensive bottle of wine, then consider your status skyrocketed. Now, a ravishing bottle of vintage 1961 French Grand Cru First Growth Château Pétrus  is all set to claim the coveted title of the most expensive wine bottle, as this exquisite and extremely rare wine bottle is scheduled to go under the hammer on 28 October. One of the most renowned auction establishments in the U.S, Edward Roberts International has undertaken the auction of this magnificent bottle that is expected to fetch as much as $150,000. Considering the fact that, each sip of a wine is about 1Oz, while the wine bottle itself carries 750ml of this exquisite liquor, then by this subtle calculation, the owner of this extremely rare wine will be tasting it an enormous $750 a sip.

Apart from the French Grand Cru First Growth Château Pétrus, 1961, Edwards International is even planning to bring to the table other varieties of the same wine that date back to 1921 and 1947, as well as a 1945 vintage Chateau Mouton-Rothschild. This exotic auction is set to take place at the Columbia Yacht Club in Chicago and will also feature the highlight entry of the event, a Courvoissier Cognac Erte decanter collection.

Via Blogging Stocks

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