M200G Jetson Flying Vehicle From Moller International To Hit Market in 2009

With the surging rise at the technological front and growing population and pollution, the overt need expressed by every second person is the availability of the flying cars. And again the simpler response to calm or shun their needs is the routine statement: It is difficult to produce one. But now you ca revive your hopes as Moller International has plans to unveil their flying vehicles by 2009. Currently running in the completion stage of volantor airframe, it is anticipated that counted 40 models running on fly-by-wire, multi-engine would be delivered by 2009. The preliminary volantor sculpt available for sale in 1009 would be the M200G Jetson, designed for functionality at up to 10-feet above ground level.

Designed and developed as a vertical take off & landing (VTOL) fast, the budgeted two passenger personal leisure vehicle is inhibited to this elevation so that machinists will not be in requisite to avail a pilot’s license. Moller is hoping the success of it’s operationally along with safety during a nearly scheduled demo, which would shun the question of attaining private pilot’s license for taking a ride over it. The credit for its easy performance of M200G Jetson goes to integrated wire computer technology that supports the flying functionality leaving the pilot with the choice to take it in the direction he wishes to.

M200G Jetson The vibration free models produces less noise and is competent to tour short distances on the ground likewise a sedan. Besides M200G, the Company is all set to offer the M200E, a kit-built edition of the Jetson that would be available for sale in early 2010. The sale of this limited edition Jetson will happen via an international auction and the prospective bidder can qualify as the proud owner by shelling out $150,000.

Via Gizmag
M200G Jetson

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