Lustrous Luxury: Sleep Under the Sparkling Blanket of Stars

When we talk about evolving technology-driven models of TV then the mention about 3D invites our all eyes and ears. And geeks do think about buying one to install it in their living room. But if I say there exist a 5D creation that you can take home and take pride in then I am sure it would leave you unconscious.

But pinch yourself as there exist one. StarMurals are magical 5-D works of original art that bears a resemblance to the real night sky, in number of ways. Right on the heels of the night sky, StarMurals become imperceptible during day light and shimmer again during night. The USP of these StarMurals is that during cloudy sky, you can still sleep under the blessing of stars twinkling throughout night.

These are convincing, captivating, and awe inspiring works of fine art with each StarMural offering a custom, hand-painted view of the night sky. Each star is being designed and carved using free hand. From assemblage layouts to multifaceted views from profound space, connecting galaxies, nebulae, comets, clusters and more…every bit of StarMural breeds originality. Its five spectacular dimensional includes width, height, depth, glow and movement and it claims to be soothing, passionate and stress alleviating.

Thanks Rip Read-The Startist

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