Louis Vuitton is known for its wide range of bags and also caters to entry level luxury customers. It has now expanded its portfolio in order to capture more of the top tier accessories customers. The luxury brand has added five new alligator and crocodile bags to its range including the Louis Vuitton Deesse MM Crocodile Tote which carries a price tag of $31,000 which is the most expensive in the lot. Even the lesser priced bags are perfect and are likely to prove irresistible to the LV admirers and fans. The Deesse was originally produced in Monogram Vernis, and the Rossmore PM shoulder bag but they look even more more stunning when reproduced in exotic skins.
The Designers Have Resisted Branding in the New Range
The new range of alligator and crocodile bags fit perfectly into the industry’s current aesthetic trends. They are likely to be more acceptable to the very high end of their customer base as they have resisted the in your face and ostentatious branding. Some of their most beautiful pieces are also not picked up by some of the elite customers because of its prominent LV branding. The new range has some understated hardware engraving but seem to have no apparent branding. At least the branding is not visible in the stock photographs released by the company so far. The world’s most sought-after luxury consumers are sure to appreciate the restraint of the designers coupled with the use of the best of the best materials.
The Bags Are Not for Sale Through the Site
Louis Vuitton is confident of attracting the top end of luxury customers with its new range of stunning bags and have displayed it prominently on its website. However the bags are not available for sale on the site. This seems to be a change in the company’s policy as they normally keep their most exclusive pieces away from the site’s visual inventory. The exclusive pieces were not even seen by the mass market but were accessible to only those who watched the brand closely. But now the stunning bags are visible to one and all along with the Monogrammed Canvas bags. The price of the new range of bags starts from $9,950.