Limited Edition Carbon Gliders Skis From Anton

If skiing is what you are looking forward for your next vacation then it’s time to initiate discovering the best of the Skis, enabling you explore the beauty of the most hazardous yet glamorous skiing slopes. The alluring fascination about the high-end sport counts the skills and techniques exercised by the skier. Certainly, no one desires to carry on their adventurous activity with the dull appeal of the Skis irrespective of its technically developed feature. Hence, Anton Gliders Skis has come out with his out-of-the-box offering that flaunts the prefix of being the limited edition one.

Carbon Gliders Skis

Anton Gliders Skis features fashionable autonomous frontage and rear flex adjusters that falls in the kit of limited edition Carbon Series. The skis offer you total contact deferral in the way of affecting unswerving weight on the tip and tail. It is surely a weapon for all those well wishers having a yearning to knob any grade, even the death slope that every hard-core skier talks about. Oopps….before I forget, the limited edition skis are available at athge retailed price of $4,400.

Check out Anton’s explanation for Gliders Skis:

Via BeSportier / ExoticSkis
Carbon Gliders Skis

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1 Comment

  • chaitanya says:

    i am very much intrested in creating air crafts such as gliders and i wannna know its making.actually its my thought of making gliders as such you have made, so i feel guilty for that and can i know its formation and its full details of making if possible.

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